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Official Show Rules

Southern Classic Meat Pen & Single Fryer Rabbit Show

Bell County Expo Center, Belton, TX

Presented by: Jason Platt,

 & Don Mersiovsky,

May 13, 2023

Entry Fees: $20 per Meat Pen, $10 per Single Fryer

Entries: Unlimited

Weight Limits: 3.5 to 5.5 Pounds






LOCATION:  Bell County Expo Center, 301 West Loop 121 Belton, TX 76513



Entry deadline – Postmarked by May 8, 2023

LATE ENTRY Deadline (at three times standard fee) 7 AM Saturday May 13, 2023

Begin Arrival/ Check-in Starts    7:00 am  Saturday, May 13, 2023

Must be In-line at for pre-judging by 9:00  am Saturday, May 13, 2023

Show starts following last pen in line at 9.00 am is checked in

Awards 1 hour following judging

ALL rabbits removed from Barn by 1 hour after awards

Exhibitors may leave at any time forfeiting any awards




1.  Show Sanctioning: This show IS sanctioned by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) and Texas Rabbit Breeders Association (TRBA).   

2.  Breeds: Class will be broken into the following breed groups:

   A.      Californian,

   B.      New Zealand,

   C.      ALL OTHER BREEDS (Champagne D’Argent, Cinnamon, Creme D’Argent, Palomino, Satin, Rex,   American Chinchilla, French Lops, American Sable, Silver Martens)

3.  Entry Requirements: Rabbits will all be of the same breed and variety, but do not have to come from the same litter. Rabbit age limit is 10 weeks. Minimum weight is three and 1/2  pounds (3.5 lbs) for each rabbit and maximum weight is five and 1/2 pounds (5.5 lbs) for each rabbit.  Single Fryers Entry can NOT be part of an Meat Pen Entry as they may show at the same time.

4.  Exhibitor Eligibility: Anyone may participate in the Open Meat Pen Show.  Only Youth between the ages of 5 years old, but not older than 18 years old, on the day of judging is eligible to enter the Youth Meat Pen and Youth Single Fryer Show.  Every exhibitor hereby agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the Southern Class Show, and to abide by the rules.

5.   Breeding Date: Breeding date is February 2, 2023 for the 2023 Show.

6.   Entry Requirements: An unlimited number of entries can be made in the show for $20 per meat pen and $10 for single fryer.  Single Fryers Entry can NOT be part of a Meat Pen Entry as they may show at the same time.  Please clearly mark your entry as youth or open.  Entries not marked will be placed in the Open Show.  THE SHOW RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ENTRY FROM ANYONE FOR ANY REASON DEEMED IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE SHOW.      

7.   Animal Ownership: Exhibitor must own the rabbits starting 5 weeks before the show date.

8.   Identification: Rabbits must have a permanent tattoo in the left ear.   Rabbits not legibly earmarked must be disqualified from the class. Legibility of the earmark is at the discretion of the judge.

9.   Arrival, Check-In and Judging: Exhibitor must be In-line for pre-judging by 9:00  am Saturday May 13, 2023.  Late arrivals may be allowed at the sole discretion of the Show Committee for extraordinary reasons.

10.   Diseases:  Any rabbit showing symptoms of any contagious disease at check-in or later in the Show must be removed by the Exhibitor from the showroom and will not be judged. The entry fee will be forfeited. Exhibitors must remove animals from the Show grounds that are showing symptoms of any contagious disease at check-in or later in the Show. Rabbits will be checked for disqualifications and continue through the judging process.

11.   Care of Animals: Exhibitors must bring water and feed containers. Exhibitors are responsible for feeding and watering their own rabbits.

12.  Overnight Coops – NOT AVAILABLE   

13.  Each animal must be exhibited in its natural condition. An exhibitor in violation of this rule will have their animal disqualified, and the remainder of their entry may be disqualified from the competition and not be judged. Examples include dyeing, plucking, trimming, or any other action designed to deceive.

14.   The Show Committee reserves the right to make any changes necessary, including substitution, addition or deletion of any judge.

15.   No animals other than rabbits, and CERTIFIED SERVICE ANIMALS will be allowed in the show building. Certification document must be presented prior to service animals entering building. Certifications will be verified so make sure to bring proper information including phone number to verify certification number.

16.   Judges decisions will be final. No harassing of any judge will be allowed.  Exhibitors or guardians of exhibitors attempting to, or actually interfering with, annoying, molesting, or influencing the judge or judges, or acting in a manner unbecoming an exhibitor(s) shall have all their stock disqualified by the judge and shall be ejected by the show superintendent and barred from the show room.

17.   Only rented and sponsored booths will be allowed to set-up in the building. Sale of any type of merchandise or any other items will not be allowed unless booth space has been approved and rented. No raffles other than those sponsored by Southern Classic will be allowed.

18.   Southern Classic and Bell County Expo will not be responsible for any loss or damage. All rabbits and cavies are entered and shown at the risk of the owners and/or exhibitors, and while show sponsors are expected to exercise all reasonable care in the handling and protection of the exhibits, show sponsors will not be liable.

     a.  If an animal dies at a show while in the care of show officials, the show superintendent must notify the exhibitor with a written document containing the ear number, breed, and variety of the animal. Two show officials should sign the document.

     b.      If any rabbit is injured on the judging table, whereby the animal would be disqualified, the show management must furnish a written statement, signed by a show official, stating the facts regarding the injury. Placement of the animal at that time shall be at the discretion of the judge.

19.   PROTESTS:  Any personally involved exhibitor within a Class shall have the right to make a written protest from the time of occurrence until two hours after awards are placed. 

(A) An official protest may only be submitted if: (1) A disqualified rabbit is placed. (2) A rabbit is wrongfully disqualified. (3) Alleged fraudulent practices on the part of any judge. Only one animal may be listed on a protest. Specific disqualifications, which are exempt from a protest, are identified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.

(B) An official protest must be submitted in writing to the show superintendent with a $100.00 non-refundable protest fee.  The protest must be signed and submitted by the actual exhibitor personally involved within the Breed. The protest shall then be acted upon by a committee of three members. The members shall consist of: (1) A member of the show committee. (2) An ARBA licensed judge or registrar, which shall be appointed by the show superintendent. (3) A disinterested ARBA member agreed upon by the other two committee members. The written protest must then be presented to the Protest Committee for their evaluation.

(C) If the protest is sustained or allowed, the affected class(es) or awards shall be adjusted accordingly.


21.   The Fire Department has asked that we maintain aisles in case of an emergency.

22.   Exhibitors must submit a completed W-2 prior to receiving cash awards.  Premiums will be awarded for the following:



Youth Meat Pen

Overall Grand Champion  -  Buckle

Overall Reserve Grand Champion  - Buckle

Cash Prize for top 5 overall placings ($3,500)


Youth Single Fryer

Overall Grand Champion -- Buckle

Overall Reserve Grand Champion  --  Buckle

Breed Class 1st - 5th -- Percentage TBD


Youth Roaster

Overall Grand Champion -- Buckle

Overall Reserve Grand Champion  --  Buckle

Cash Prize for top 5 overall placings -- Percentage TBD



Open Meat Pen

Overall Grand Champion --  -- Percentage TBD

Overall Reserve Grand Champion -- -- Percentage TBD

Breed Class 1st - 3rd  --  TBD


OPEN Single Fryer

Overall Grand Champion -- Percentage TBD

Overall Reserve Grand Champion  --  Percentage TBD

Breed Class 1st - 5th -- Percentage TBD





© 2022 by  Southern Classic Meat Pen and Fryer Show.

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